How to make DIY cat bed

How to make a DIY cat bed

Cats are sometimes unpredictable so it is hard to know exactly what they’ll like. If you’re not sure what cat bed would be best for them, you’re on a budget or you’re just a DIY enthusiast, you might like the tips below on how to make your own cat bed. Sorry, bed for your cat.

Here you can see two perfect ways how to stay within your budget and provide most of what cats are looking for:

  • Perfect description:
  • Very cool idea:

The ideas above are basically made out of an old sweater, an old paper box or a pillow. Here are some of the more creative options:

  • Use an old paper box and line it with an old sweater.
  • Insert the paper box into an old sweater so your cat will have a nice entrance into the “cat cave” like structure.
  • Insert an old pillow into your sweater (into the belly area) or any similar filling (also old clothes or pillows) into the sleeve area. If you then join the sleeves together around the filled area, you will have a perfect doughnut shape cat bed. You can also stitch things together for a better overall shape.
  • You can also just simply put your pillow into an old sweater and do nothing more. If you have such cushioning in the right place (for example right next to the window), your cat will be for sure to test this invention.

I personally love to play with old boxes and while starting this business, I filled a  room entirely with old paper boxes. My cat, however, is an old gentleman who didn’t want to jump over those boxes. He didn’t even want to sleep there. After a few days, he was fine with playing around in this more “complex environment,” that my girlfriend just called “a mess that we should get rid of”. However he only slept or relaxed when there were just a few boxes next to the window. But our cat rarely slept there as the heating within this highly structured surface wasn’t comfortable at all.

Do you have any other ideas? I would be very happy if you would share them with us!


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