Meet our cat

So this is our most respected Member of the Board of Management, Erectus von Bohemia. Can you guess his breed? He’s a Russian blue born in 2008. But wait a minute…”Erectus”? You’re now probably more interested in how he came into his official name. Let me explain. Cat ancestry is helping cat owners who want to buy a cat with high chances of winning competitions, it also guarantees the cats breed. Such an ancestral tree naturally has rules of its own. In our case, we

had to use the suffix “Von Bohemia” and register a name beginning with “E” very shortly after he was born.

Our family had a meeting in 2008, including myself as a kid, and we discussed lots of ideas. I suggested rather classical names like Erasmus or Elvis. I think that it was my younger sister or mom who mentioned Emil, however My father, in his 50ties, wanted it to be funny and mentioned “Erectus”. Despite a small family disagreement, he decided himself. I can’t forget the moment when the ancestry lady, taking care of multiple generations of this cat heard this name for the first time.

Despite having an eccentric and “funny” name, Erectus has a humble personality and does not seek attention from others. He prefers a circle of well-known people where he feels comfortable. One of his favourite activities is looking at what’s happening out of the window and naturally playing. I think that he has many secrets too, when he was much younger, he tried to conceal that he liked playing in the shower. He didn’t realise that our shower had half-transparent doors so time to time, I witnessed him rotating himself around the shower corners like people do on a kayak when they want to perform freestyle tricks!


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