Terms & conditions and Refund and Returns Policy


  1. Returns
  2. Complaints procedure
  3. Form for complaints procedure
  4. General terms and conditions


You don’t like our ordered goods? No problem, it can happed. You can just return it during first 14 days and we will give your money back.


  1. Place unused product back into original packaging and original box together with invoice, potentially other small accessories (like rubber bands, branding, etc).
  2. Wrap-up box into some paper, plastic bag or even bigger bag. Please don’t tape our original box in the way that it wouldn’t be possible to recycle it.
  3. You have to send products into this address: XXXXXXXXX.


  • Do not send products into any other address, don’t use “payment on delivery method” or delivery into post office. It wont be delivered in such cases.
  • Please do not carry products into our warehouse yourself.
  • We strongly recommend to use insurance while sending product back. Total side should be at least price of product plus shipping.
  • We will send you your money back (or send another product if you wish) during 14 days from receiving products on our address.
  • Products has to be returned during first 14 days from its handover.
  • Products must be unused and ready to sell for full price to another customer.
  • Product has to be wrap-up in original packaging which cannot be damaged (for example using tape or tear and so on)
  • Product cannot be damaged nor devalued in any way.


  • We strongly recommend to use insurance while sending product back. Total size of insurance should be at least price of product plus shipping. You will be able to get your money back in case of lost or damaged parcel.


  1. Please ready in detail full terms & conditions further down below to better know what will be considered in complaints procedure. You can also send us email asking for consultation how to proceed directly into shop@suspiciouscat.com.
  2. Write down in detail reasons for your complaints into form further down below, print out complaint form, insert it together with your product back in package.
  3. Wrap-up package into foil, paper or plastic bag, potentially into larger box so our original package won’t be damaged during shipping.
  4. Send your package back into this address: XXXXXXXXX.
  • Complaints has to be raised immediately and without delay
  • Products has to be unused, unworn and undamaged and clean. Simply ready to be immediately sold to another customer.
  • Properties of products which are described in our website are naturally part of purchase expectations and therefore cannot be used as a subject of complaints. Especially deformation of material which can deform during the shipping without creating defect large enough to prevent usage of our product for its original purpose. Potential surface or appearance deformation could be minimised by following our articles. You can also ask us directly at shop@suspiciouscat.com.
  • Justified complaint is one where defect made by us prevent product to be used for its main purpose. In such case, client can ask for changing defected product for another one without defect. Client can also ask for partial money return (sale basically) or return of all money back.
  • Right for complaint is not applicable in case client know about the defect before handover or when damage was caused by client.
  • To know more, we would like to encourage you to read full terms & conditions further down below or just contact us directly at shop@suspiciouscat.com.


Order number
Name of defected product
Defect description
Would you prefer change of product, discount or full money return?
And other comment or feedback from your side



Basic terms

  1. This terms and conditions (further down T&C) are released under § 1751 and law number 89/2012 Sb., civil code.
  2. PRINTAXE s.r.o. is operating website suspiciouscat.com and is known also as a “seller” in this T&C.
  3. This T&C are describing rights and obligations of seller with physical person who is entering into purchase contract as an consumer. Further down known also as “buyer” through website suspiciouscat.com (also as “eshop” or “website”)
  4. This T&C and purchase contract is translated from Czech language and reflect Czech law.


Informations about products and prices

  1. Informations about products, including prices and other product details are described next to each product in product detail section. Also in article describing how to unpack products referring to product material deformation, how to minimise them and that product deformations will be part of each of our product from felt material. Prices are including VAT. Product prices are active during the period when they are listed in our shop. Buyer and seller and also agreed on individual and different prices.
  2. All informations in text or visual form in eshop is strictly informative and seller doesn’t have legal obligation to set-up purchase contract even if there is formally correct
  3. In eshop, we have informations about related costs such as packaging and shipping into your country.
  4. Potential discounts cannot be combined unless seller and buyer would agree otherwise.
  5. Buyer is not allowed to provide eshop account to anyone (access, credentials and so on).

Buyer takes a note of that user account doesn’t have to be online non stop, especially with respect to mandatory maintenance or hardware and software of seller, potentially 3rd parties.

  1. Seller does not guarantee all functionalities in user account and reserve his rights to change its functionalities without prior announcement.
  2. Seller can delete user accounts, especially when account is not active or violate terms & conditions or breach obligations from purchase contract. Reason could be also that eshop and buyer technology become non compatible one with our eshop.
  3. Access to user account is protected by user name and password. Buyer is obliged to not disclosure this details to anyone.
  4. During registration on our eshop and during purchasing process of our products is buyer obliged to provide all information correctly. In case of any change of such information is buyer obliged to update those informations. All informations provided by buyer to seller are considered as correct.
  5. Details that buyer provided during registration are divided into mandatory and voluntary fields. Mandatory fields are needed to finalise purchase contract and deliver products. Voluntary fields could be provided and increase comfort of buyer especially during the time when seller follow contract agreement. It can also help us being more relevant when performing targeted marketing.


Order and purchase contract creation

  1. Costs that buyer had to pay for entering into purchase contract (internet connection, calls and more), will be paid by buyer only.
  2. Buyer conduct purchase contract by this way:
  • Through created customer account
  • Filling purchase form without registration
  1. To finalise order, buyer will select products to purchase, amount of products, type of payment and type of delivery.
  1. After confirmation of order by buyer will seller send confirmation of order into email. Confirmation about order creation is not yet purchase contract creation.
  2. If seller is not able to deliver what was in order for any reason, he has a right to contact buyer and offer something else. This counter offer is considered to be new purchase contract proposal. In case buyer accept this counter offer, purchase contract between seller and buyer is created.
  3. Buyer can cancel order until there is created and delivered order confirmation. Seller can however consider individual situation and reasons of buyer and cancel order anytime.
  4. In case that there was obvious technical malfunction on the side of seller, for example showing wrong price or anytime during the ordering and purchase process, seller is not obliged to accept purchase contract. Seller can however provide counter offer to buyer and new purchase contract that without errors.


Customer account

  1. After registration of buyer into eshop can be user account accessed. Through this user account can be new orders made. Buyer can however order new products even without creating user account.
  2. During registration, buyer is obliged to mention all informations truthfully. In case of any change, buyer is obliged to update all changes and keep informations up to date. Seller always consider such informations as truthful, unless there are obvious indications of opposite.
  3. Access to customer account is protected by username and password, Buyer is obliged to not disclose any of those informations to anyone. Seller is not responsible for any misuse of customer account by 3rd parties.
  4. Buyer is not allowed to provide customer account to any 3rd party.
  5. Seller can delete customer account of buyer, especially if it is no longer used or if user didn’t follow duties coming from purchase contract or terms & conditions.
  6. Buyer understands that customer account doesn’t have to be always ready and online at disposal. Especially because of maintenance of seller software and hardware.


Payment conditions and product delivery

  1. Price of our product could be purchased by choosing one of provided payment method
  1. Together with product price, there is a need to pay expedition costs such as packaging and shipping.
  2. Buyer meets purchase contract commitment after purchased product money are listed in seller bank account.
  3. Seller is not asking for any deposit
  4. Product is delivered by seller into:
  • Address that buyer wrote in order
  1. Choice about delivery type of done during product purchase process and ordering.
  2. Costs related to delivery are mentioned in order summary and order confirmation. In case that shipping is negotiated individually, all risks and costs will be covered by buyer.
  3. If seller is obliged to deliver products into address of buyer, then the buyer is obliged to pick-up this product on this address. In case there is a need to deliver products multiple times to delivery address, or by different delivery type than ordered, then is buyer obliged to pay related costs.
  4. During product handover, buyer is obliged to review if packaging is not damaged. In case of any damage is necessary to immediately report that to shipping company.
  5. Seller will provide Invoice to buyer electronically.
  6. Buyer will acquire ownership of product by paying products including related shipping and expedition costs. However not sooner than product handover.
  7. Responsibility for any type of accidents and damages of products is transferred into buyer at the moment of handover or at the moment when buyer was suppose to handover product, but contrary to purchase contract, didn’t made handover.


  1. Buyer who made purchase contract outside of any B2B cooperation – as consumer has a right to withdraw from purchase contract.
  2. Deadline for purchase contract withdrawal is 14 days from handover.
  3. Buyer cant withdraw from purchase contract by for example:
  • In case of ordering individual service.
  • In case of delivery of product or services which prices are subject of high price fluctuation independent from will of seller and which could be caused during contract withdrawal period.
  • In case of individual delivery service based on individual requirements of buyer.
  • In case of fast moving consumer goods delivery and also with goods that were mixed irrevocably with other product.
  • In case of situation when there are products in closed packaging which was opened and for hygienic reasons, it is not possible to do return products.
  • In case of delivery of recorded sound, pictures or movies or software after unpackaging.
  • In case of paper media such as newspapers, catalogues and similar products.
  • In case of digital content which wasn’t delivered on physical mean.
  • In other cases specifically named in § 1837 of Civil code.
  1. For successfully withdrawing from purchase contract, buyer must announce intent of withdrawal during withdrawal period.
  2. For purchase contract withdrawal could be used complaints form provided by seller. Withdrawal intent can be provided into email address together with providing paper complaints form in future return of product. It is strongly advised to discuss right or withdraval with our colleagues on shop@suspiciouscat.com to provent future misunderstandings.
  3. Buyer who withdraw from purchase contract is obliged to return products during 14 days from withdrawal from purchase contract. Buyer has to pay all costs related to shipping and returning products back into seller. This apply also in cases that shipping and delivery cannot be delivered in standard way and related price is higher.
  4. In case of purchase contract withdrawal, seller will return money without not necessary delays, until 30 days from correctly returned products into address for returns and in case product properties are aligned with rules of complaint process (for example not used or damaged packaging and product. Product must be ready to be sold immediately).
  5. In case of consumer contract withdrawal, seller is not obliged to return money sooner than during 30 days after receiving properly product back in dedicated address mentioned in this terms & conditions for such purpose.
  6. Products has to be returned to seller if possible in original packaging without damage and tear. Seller can transfer such damages into monetary amount and deduct it from total money that is required by buyer to return. Returned price by seller into buyer could be therefore smaller in such cases.
  7. Seller can withdraw from purchase contract in case of for example not having products anymore, in case product is not available or if seller contractors limited or even stop any part of their manufacturing or delivery chain. Seller will inform about such situation our buyers. In case money transaction was already made, seller have to return all money back to buyer during 14 days or during individually discussed period.
  8. Selles made summary of how to return and raise complaint including complaint form for easy and convenient returns.


Rights in case of defects

  1. Seller is responsible that products are without defects during handover.
  • Product has properties that both buyer and seller know and in case it wasn’t individually defined, product is expected by both sides to have properties described anywhere in eshop. For example in product detail section or on articles, for example the one describing unpackaging. Further product properties are in this case derived from nature of product such as its material.
  • Products are ready to use for its primary purpose mentioned on eshop or how are such products usually used.
  1. Responsibilities of seller regarding defects ar at least same as there are responsibilities comming from defect product.
  2. Right to raise complaint about defect or damage of buyer cannot be applied in case buyer know about such properties before product handover or in case that defect was caused by buyer.
  3. In case of finding defect aligned with this terms & conditions can buyer raise a complaint and ask for
  • product change
  • Product discount
  • Purchase contract withdrawal
  1. Buyer can withdraw from purchase contract in case:
  • Products has significant defect
  • In case product cannot be used for repetitive defects occuring after repetitive repairs
  • In case of large amount of defect in one product.
  1. Significant defect is the one where violating side of purchase contract known even before creating purchase contract that the other side wouldn’t pursue this contract while having knowledge of violating side. 
  2. Material deformations are not considered as defect of product. Especially if case of deformations is not obstruction for product primary usage.
  3. Based on purchase contract withdrawal, buyer can ask for full money return.
  4. In case seller prove that buyer know about defect before handover or that defect must have been caused by buyer, seller is not obliged to follow buyers claims
  5. Buyer cant complaint for the reasons that were subject of discount.
  6. Seller is obliged to accept complaint at the place defined in this terms & conditions.
  7. Complaints must be considered during 30 days from the day of product delivery unless it is agreed on different timeline
  8. Seller will contact buyer in written form about result of complaint considerations.
  9. Rights coming for receiving product with defect is not applied in case buyer know about such details before handover or in case defect or damage was caused by buyer. 
  10. Rights and duties of both sides of purchase contract about defect product are following law defined in § 1914 up to 1925, § 2099 up to 2117 and § 2161 up to 2174 civil code and as well law number 634/1992 Sb., about consumer protection.



  1. Both contract sides can communicate through electronic means.
  2. Buyers delivers to seller informations into email address mentioned in this terms & conditions. Seller is delivering information to buyer into email address mentioned in user account or order.


Data privacy

  1. Data privacy are defined separately, outside of this terms & conditions in our data privacy section.


Dispute out of court

  1. Dispute out of court and its solution is dedicated Czech trade inspection with headqurters in Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Praha 2, IČ: 000 20 869, internet address: https://adr.coi.cz/cs. Platform for dispute solution online is here http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr
  2. European consumer centre Czech Republic has headquarters in Štěpánská 567/15, 120 00 Praha 2, http://www.evropskyspotrebitel.cz is a contact point due to European parlament and the European Council No. 524/2013 21. May 2013 about consumer disputation (ES) č. 2006/2004 and 2009/22/ES.
  3. Seller has right to sell products based on trade licence. Trade licence control is done by Trade licence office. Czech trade inspection is also supervising law No. 634/1992 Sb., about consumer protection.


Final remarks

  1. All agreements between seller and buyer are aligned to law system in Czech Republic. In case contract contains international element, both sides (buyer and seller) agreed on that they will follow law of Czech Republic.
  2. Seller doesn’t have to follow any codex or any codex of behaviour, codes of conducts and similar accordingly to law § 1826 part 1 section. e) civil code.
  3. All rights to eshop, especially copyright including layout and placement of any elements or content belongs to PRINTAXE s.r.o. and it is not allowed to copy, adjust or use them in any way without permission of PRINTAXE s.r.o. representatives.
  4. Seller is not responsible for mistakes and damages caused by 3rd parties into eshop. Buyer cant use any means while using eshop or any associated digital parts of PRINTAXE s.r.o. that could have negative impact on eshop. It is also not allowed to do or organise any activity that would enable any 3rd party to impact our associated digital assets such as eshop. By negative impact is understood also standard usage by any 3rd party.
  5. Buyer is taking responsibility for risks associated with environment change described in § 1765 part. 2 civil code.
  6. Terms and conditions can be updated by seller anytime. By changing terms and conditions, rights created by previous version of T&C are not cancelled.

This terms and conditions are applicable from 30.4.2022

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