Music for cats exists and here are examples

A new research study shows that our feline friends prefer specific frequencies and tempos that are used in their communication. For example sounds of purring and birds.

  • Research study is here

According to io9, music written by David Teie „Cosmoś Air“ has a pulse that is similar to a cat purring with 1380 beats per minute. The artist also adds tones that are used in cat vocalisation. „Songs“ specifically made for cats were tested to find out if they actually like it. How? Researchers looked at how they purred, rubbed speakers or simply became interested in the music.

  • Example number one is here
  • More melodic examples with birds are here

If you are interested in even better music for cats, you can visit the researcher’s website, David Teie created a whole album If you are not ready to purchase the whole album, you can try samples and see how your cat reacts.

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